Wednesday 3 October 2012

Piping Techniques

I am a fondant expert and never on 
buttercream or royal icing piping.

Lately I have decided to learn the skill of piping ....

Here are some that I have designed, 

I designed this for my sister's 50th birthday ,
 its a read Velvet Cake  

It was a 7 layer cake 

Chocolate Mocha Banana Cake .....
I baked & designed this for Michelle Lai 

Centered with a rose & followed with riffles design....

 A Birthday Cake I desined for my mother -in -law 

 Above was a 10" height cake, 
it was a Red Velvet Cake designed for Ti-Ratana party 

 Cookie Monster Cup Cakes 

Saturday 21 July 2012

Red Velvet Cake

Heres my version of Red Velvet Cake.....natural and yummmmie....

One recipe that Im so proud of.....

2 1/2 cups cake flour

1 tbsp of cocoa

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup butter

2 cups granulated sugar 

4 eggs 

2 tbsp of pure beetroot juice

2 teaspoons rose essence

1/2 cup buttermilk 

1 cup sour cream

This is the color you will get
I baked  double recipe for this , and built 6 layers.
Cream cheese is very soft. thus pls spread a layer and place a slice of cake on top and leave it in the fridge for  5 minutes to allow the cream cheese to firm up if you are doing lots of layers. Each laye pls slice to a height of 1below 15mm
Cream Cheese Recipe 

  • 250g cream cheese, softened

  • 250g butter, softened

  • 1tbsp  lemon juice

  • 1tbsp grated lemon

  • 6 cup icing sugar mixture

Depending how much of cream cheese you spread in between, you may need to make another recipe should you decide to spread a thick layer inbetween.

Ta da done deal and spread a thin layer on the entir cake 

Add captionthe body of the cake I use 1.4 nozzle to pipe out the rose shape
as for the outer layer of cream cheese heres the recipe.....( we need to add shorterning to firm the cream otherwise we are unable to pipe the cream . Original creamcheese is very soft. )

  • 250g cream cheese, softened

  • 250g butter, softened

250g shortening

  • 1tbsp  lemon juice

  • 1tbsp grated lemon

  • 8 cup icing sugar mixture


1)  Preheat oven to 180C Grease three 9 inch round pans. 

Sift flour, salt and baking sodan cocoa powder  

together and set aside.

2 )Beat butter and sugar in a bowl together 

for approximately 5 minutes at medium speed.

Add eggs one at a time and beat until smooth.

Add the beetroot juice and sour cream, 

milk vanilla and butter flavoring

At low speed add flour mixture a little at a time

but do not over mix. 

4 Bake in 180 oven for 35 to 40 minutes or 
until wooden pick comes out clean. 

  • 250g cream cheese, softened

  • 250g butter, softened

  • 1tbsp  lemon juice

  • 1tbsp grated lemon

  • 6 cup icing sugar mixture

Thursday 12 July 2012

Millie Crepe Cake

THE Millie Crepe Cake

I love this cake, to me its a French Layered Cake .

It's layers of crepe put together !!!!! at least 25-30 pieces crepe...

Here is how to do it.......



This is to be spread in between each layer of crepe

Fullcream Milk 310gm
Vanilla Pod  X 1 / Vanilla essence 1 tbsp
Egg Yolk 4
Corn / Potato Flour 20gm
Sugar 80gm
Butter 20gm

1) Boil Fullcream milk with vanilla pod
2) In another bowl mix egg yolk + corn flour + sugar together till smooth
3) pour mixture into the milk whn the milk is boiling hot, IMMEDIATELY
pour into it
4) Cook till thicken and add in the butter and mix till smooth
5) Once done pour it into a alrge surface pan or bowl and cover it with cling film till cool

Once the Pastry Cream is ready let it cool and start crepe making......


Fullcream Milk 600gm
Egg  B X 6
Salt 5gm
All purpose flour 130gm
Melted butter 30gm
Sugar ( Optional ) 55gm

1) Get ready a big mixing bowl .
Whisk the eggs and sugar till well mixed
2) Add sheived flour and salt, mix till smooth
3) Pour in butter and mix well ( whisk fast )
4) Pour in the milk and mix well

5) Use a 9 inch non-stick pan put under medium heat  ( induction 6-7 )
6) Pour a thin layer of batter onto the pan and swirl
A min and a half on each side thin light brown

7) )nce done place it on a baking board  & place another baking board ontop to flated it...
8) Repeat making the crepes - 25-28 perfect crepes....

The entire exercise will take a few hours if you have two pans it will be faster hhehehhehe

A + B are ready whip up 500gm of Whipping Cream ( medium )

Mix half of the whipped cream into B and fold well . When all are mixed well pour in the balance of the whipped cream
 Ta da ......

To Assemble 

1) Lay 1 piece of crepe on the pake board 
2) Use a spatula , smear the crepe with pastry cream a thin layer and avoid the edge
3) Cover with another layer of crepe and top with the pastry cream again
4) Repeat to make a stage of 25 best-looking crepes , chill overnight or at east 2 hours before serving....


The original presentation

I covered it with whipped cream on the left is cup cake bouquet be posted soon ;-))

Check out the layers man huffffff

5 hours of labour of love 

You can be creative to produce other flavours  ie

Fruits - Strawberry / Mango - 50% + 50% = 160 Fullcream milk + 150 fruit puree 

Durian as above A excluse the vanilla pod .
Once the pastry ceam is ready add durian flesh 

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Stir Fried Yam and Chicken Rice

Stir Fried Yam and Chicken Rice

Yet wok soak dish.......

1 1/2 cup of rice ( cooled rice ) 

1 medium size yam preferably local yam - cut into cubes 
1/2 cup dried shrimp
1/2 Yau Yee See ( dried sliced squid )

1 tbsp garlic puree
1 tbsp mince tauchu
1 cup of diced chicken
1 cup o diced long beans 

1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp brown sugar

Heat up the wok , add 3 tbsp of grapeseed oil 
till its really hot ( can see some smoke hehhehe , 
this is to avoid it from sticking to the wok while frying - 
for stainless steel wok )

Stir fry the cubed yam till cook & brown, once ready remove it and place it on a plate with kitchen towel to soak the access oil out.

Remove half of the oil out from the wok, wait till its reall hot add the dried shrimp and fri them till crispy an brown.
Once done remove it place it ontop of a kitchen towel too.

Add in the yau yee see and fry it till crispy and 
add in the garlic puree and minced tauchu.
Medium heat and stir fry till fragrant.

Then add the diced chicken stir fry till they are cook and 
add the long 1/2  a cup of 
chicken stock / water

Add the oyster sauce , pepper , sugar and salt ....
not too much salt because of the minced tauchu

Add the rice and stir fry till well mixed and add the fried yam and plus the dried shrimp and mix all well.

Ta da .....serve hot and its nice to add some fried shallots on top !!!!!

Enjoy .........

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Sticky Date Pudding......

Sticky Date Pudding 

This is one of my favourite and everbody's favourite.....its so yummie to enjoy it while its still warmmmmm.....

What you could do its warm up the sauce cut a slice and place it 
into the microwave for less then 20 seconds , pour the hot sauce ontop and enjoy!!!!!! 

Top up with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.....huffff  


Chopped Dates 185gm
250ml Hot Tea ( Carmomile Or Jasmine Tea X 1 packet  )
Soda Bicarbonate 1 tsp

Butter 90gm
Natural Molasses Sugar 115gm
Vanilla  1 tsp
Eggs 2 biji 

1. Place chopped dates into the hot tea for 25 mins 
and let it cool . Add Soda bic and mix well

2. Beat butter and molasses ugar till soft and creamy

3. Add eggs gradually

4. Fold in sifted flour and soaked dates alternately

Ta da .....9" tin 180C  35 - 40 mins

Here comes the juicy one , the sauce

Natural Molasses Sugar 230gm
Cream 250ml
Butter 90gm
Chopped Dates 40gm
Apricot 40 gm ( Thinly sliced - optional )
Pinch of salt

Mix all the above and cook under slow fire till it thickens 

Brandy 1 tbsp - optional ( to add only once the sauce is done )

Monday 25 June 2012

Spread - Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam / Spread 

My sister and my mum went to Cameron Highlands and 
I requested them help me to buy
some strawberries because 
I wanted to make home make strawberry jam......


400gm Sugar
500gm strawberry ( wash and dry )
20g Lemon Juice

100 gm strawberry  ( wash dry & cut into half )

How to 

Marinade the washed and dried strawberry with 200gm sugar for 3-4 hours

Once done place the marinated strawberry into 
a thick stainless steel pot or a good non stick pot
POur n the remaining 200gm sugar and lemon juice.

Under slow fire stir to cook the jam .
Keep stirring for at least half and hour and add B.

Keep srtirring and stirring till it not stop .
Please remember under slow fire to prevent it from burning....

Ta da....

I used it to spread on hot waffle with butter yummmmmmm

Homemade strawberry jam nice as a Christmas or Easter Gift...


Spread - Kaya


Kaya,  bila sudah makan 
jadi kaya raya hehehhehhehhe


400gm Coconut Milk ( I usually use the packet - Ayam brand )
12 egg yolks
300 gm sugar 
7 tsp of pandan juice

Using an electric beater, beat the eggs at medium speed slightly. 

Add sugar and beat at full speed till all mixed well.

Add the coconut milk and beat full speed 
to mix thoroughly till sugar dissolved.

Pour into a clean stainless steel pot and cook it over a slow


Tak boleh malas or even take a 2 mins break...hehhehhe

If you have to stand there stirring for an hour or more, 
you have too.

Keep stiring to prevent the bottom from burning....

Best use none stick pot or a good and thick stainless steel pot.

Slowly the kaya will turn to olive green .......
and when it thickens its ready.

Let it set a side & pour into desire container & 
keep fresh in the fridge.

My dear friend use the same recipe and 
came up with a great cooking method : double boil it !!!!!
With this cooking method surely TAK ter bakar ......

Thanks Puan Siti Hajjar for the great tip.......

Sunday 24 June 2012

Claypot Chicken Rice - Homemade with rice cooker

I love claypot Chicken rice, I decided to cook it at home but I dont have a claypot???

Its ok I used the rice cooker and it still turn out very tasty and delicious....

RECIPE for 6 pax

First cook 3 cup of with 2 3/4 cup of water

Half a chicken - cut to small pieces
1 tbsp of oyster sauce
3 tbsp of caramel big sauce
1 tbsp chinese cooking wine 
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp brown sugar

Mix all the above to marinate the chicken for 3 hours

1 tbsp of puree ginger 
1 tbsp of puree garlic
7 tbsp of caramel black sauce
2 cups of chicken stock or water if you dont have the stock
1 tbsp of POTATO starch
Salt ,Pepper  and sugar to taste
1 stick of lap cheong sliced thinly

Get the wok ready
add 2 tbsp of grape seed oil medium heat 
and add the pureed garlic and ginger
Stir fry till fragrant
Add in the marinated chicken
Stir fry till half cook and add in the 7 tbsp od caramel black sauce 
Add in the 2 cups of chicken stock
Cook the chicken till fragrant and take half a cup of the sauce out 
Add the 1 tbsp of potato starch into it, mix well and after which
pour it back into the wok stir it till the sauce thicken slightly.
Add pepper salt & sugar to taste . 
Once done collect the chicken out and pour the sauce into another bowl.

5 Minutes before the rice is cook pour all the sauce 
into the rice and quickly mix well .
Lay the lap cheong ontop and followed by the chicken.....
and cover the rice cooker and 
press cook - to re-cook the rice mixture again.....

Ta da once done scoup & serve ....
best eat with the ginger sauce....


Food Venture!!!

I got to know this restaurant by a friend in FB , 
they serve seafood noodle curry gravy , tom yam and clear seafood soup !!!!! 

Restaurant YU AI 
PJ SS2 Branch 
No 58 Jn ss2/10 
47300 PJ 
Tel 03-78778117


No 42 Jln Seambut Utara 
51200 KL 

Saturday 23 June 2012

Sauce - Ginger Salted Fish Sauce

Simple yet power can pre-prepare thie and keep in the fridge. 
Very nice to enjoy with Claypot Chicken Rice , 
Chicken Rice and use it to steam fish.....

Recipe from the heart.....


1) Old Ginger 
( any amount you wished , I usually make lots to keep in the freezer as and when we need it ta da its there hehhehehhehhe )
Puree it

2) Salted Ikan Tengiri 
( again its up to you how strong you want the salted fish to be - add more or less )
De - bone it and mince it finely

3) Sesame Oil

Prepare the wok , once hot add 2 tbsp of Grape Seed Oil and 2 tbsp sesame oil , add ginger 
& stir fry it you smell the aroma of the ginger / fragrant . 

Add the salted fish bit buy bit till fragrant & taste.....
add more salted fish if required .
( You may not want the salted fish to be overpowering just lightly will do .... )

Continue to stir fry till fragrant. If you find it too dry add 
more sesame oil bit buy bit......till fragrant.

Once its done ( to your taste ) add a bit of brown sugar....

You can spice it up by add green Mince Chllie padi , 
the amout is the same up to your preference.....


This is one sauce my IL lovesssssss.........

Claypot Chicken Rice Recipe Next!!!