Sunday 17 June 2012

Durian Cake

King of the Fruit Cake - Durian Cake 

Yum Yum Yum everyone's favourite cake - Durian Cake. 
The first time I tasted this was at Bon Bon's ,,,,,
hufff I felt in love with it. 
I bought the whole cake , 
sliced it, studied it and tried to bake one...

Tried a few times , now I an an expert hehhehhehhehhe

Very easy one...


How to 

Sponge Cake 

160gm  Sugar
15g Cake emulsifier

5 Eggs 
125gm Flour
1 tsp baking power

40ml water 
1tsp Durian Essence 

75gm Melter buteer 

1) Pour A into mixing bowl & mix wellll
2) Add B & whip till think & ligh
3) Pour in C slowly while mix on low speed
& continue to whip until light & fluffy
4) Mix D till blended & pour into a ready greased 9" round mould & bake on 180C
for 30 mins

Let it fully cool on a rack 


The durian has to be fresh ie if you are baking today buy the durian on the same day.
I normally use D24 but lately tarak D24 thus used D78 mahal sikit 
but very smooth good & sweet  - it has to be sweet durian . 
Pls dont use bitter or bitter sweet durian 
When you are buying the durian please ask them to open & 
you try on the spot enusre its me hehhehhe

BRing home & remove the yummy durian flesh from the seed, 
jangan curi makan ok hehhehheh


The creaming part hahhaha

Whipped Cream 600gm 
whip it till light & smooth , not too dry & hard

Remove 350gm E of it 
& remain 150 gm of whipped cream F. 
Continue whip the 150gm till thick & hard

Mix F into 1 kg Durian 

Divide the durian sponge cake into 4 layers  
ie 3 layers for the fresh durian cream.....

In between each layer spread the fresh durian cream

spread the same thickness of the cake but not

too thick & high because its soft ....
it may not hold.....and sandwich them hehheheh

Spread till finish except the top layer.

once thats completed, 
spread E from the top to the side to cover 
the cake with whippy cream ....ta da.

Please leave it in the fridge for two hours before serving.....yummmmm

Enjoy....BURP !!!!!!

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