Monday 25 June 2012

Spread - Kaya


Kaya,  bila sudah makan 
jadi kaya raya hehehhehhehhe


400gm Coconut Milk ( I usually use the packet - Ayam brand )
12 egg yolks
300 gm sugar 
7 tsp of pandan juice

Using an electric beater, beat the eggs at medium speed slightly. 

Add sugar and beat at full speed till all mixed well.

Add the coconut milk and beat full speed 
to mix thoroughly till sugar dissolved.

Pour into a clean stainless steel pot and cook it over a slow


Tak boleh malas or even take a 2 mins break...hehhehhe

If you have to stand there stirring for an hour or more, 
you have too.

Keep stiring to prevent the bottom from burning....

Best use none stick pot or a good and thick stainless steel pot.

Slowly the kaya will turn to olive green .......
and when it thickens its ready.

Let it set a side & pour into desire container & 
keep fresh in the fridge.

My dear friend use the same recipe and 
came up with a great cooking method : double boil it !!!!!
With this cooking method surely TAK ter bakar ......

Thanks Puan Siti Hajjar for the great tip.......

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