Sunday 11 August 2013

HomeMade Gluten Free Pasta

My boy loves pasta and I usually buy the commercial GF pasta from the market.

Last week my sister-in-law came home from US and brought us back a pasta maker .....yeah!!!!! 

I tried making for my son today. 
What could more fresher then fresh pasta......

It was easy and its really yummy. 

The texture is nicer then the commercial ones.

After a few bites , my boy said , 
"mummy it taste liked Maggi Mee " , 
happily !!!!

I am sooooo happy, from now my boy shall have homemade fresh GF pasta with love by his mummy .....

Here's the recipe 

85gm Tapioca Flour
85gm Cornfour
3 tbsp Potato Flour
3 tsp Xanthan Gum
1/2 tsp Salt
3 Eggs
3 tbsp Virgin Olive Oil

and a pasta maker machine 

How too 

1) Sift the dry ingredients

2) Put onto a large bowl and make 
a well in the center 

3) Beat virgin olive oil with eggs and pour onto the well

4) Slowly mix all in and it shall form into a dough

5) Knead gently until becomes smooth

6) Let it set for 10-15 mins by wrapping with tight cling film

7) Once done divide into four balls 

8) Use a rolling pin , roll into long strip and set a set cover with a damp clean cloth
put into the pasta machine and roll as least 4 times and make to as thin as possible
and you choose whether you want to make into spaghetti or fettuccine

9) Prepare boiling water with salt and 
boil for 4-5 mins 
Out of hot water rise with cool 
water to stop the cooking

Cook as you desire ;-)

My boy's request today was ,
Mummy I want it cooked with 
Garlic , Zuchini and Salmon 

Ta da !!!

In the picture the zuchini is sliced by my son heeeheheheh

He finished the whole plate, mummy is happiest mummy today.

Next I will make GF Baby Spinach Pasta for my family .


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