Monday 25 June 2012

Spread - Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam / Spread 

My sister and my mum went to Cameron Highlands and 
I requested them help me to buy
some strawberries because 
I wanted to make home make strawberry jam......


400gm Sugar
500gm strawberry ( wash and dry )
20g Lemon Juice

100 gm strawberry  ( wash dry & cut into half )

How to 

Marinade the washed and dried strawberry with 200gm sugar for 3-4 hours

Once done place the marinated strawberry into 
a thick stainless steel pot or a good non stick pot
POur n the remaining 200gm sugar and lemon juice.

Under slow fire stir to cook the jam .
Keep stirring for at least half and hour and add B.

Keep srtirring and stirring till it not stop .
Please remember under slow fire to prevent it from burning....

Ta da....

I used it to spread on hot waffle with butter yummmmmmm

Homemade strawberry jam nice as a Christmas or Easter Gift...


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