Saturday 21 July 2012

Red Velvet Cake

Heres my version of Red Velvet Cake.....natural and yummmmie....

One recipe that Im so proud of.....

2 1/2 cups cake flour

1 tbsp of cocoa

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup butter

2 cups granulated sugar 

4 eggs 

2 tbsp of pure beetroot juice

2 teaspoons rose essence

1/2 cup buttermilk 

1 cup sour cream

This is the color you will get
I baked  double recipe for this , and built 6 layers.
Cream cheese is very soft. thus pls spread a layer and place a slice of cake on top and leave it in the fridge for  5 minutes to allow the cream cheese to firm up if you are doing lots of layers. Each laye pls slice to a height of 1below 15mm
Cream Cheese Recipe 

  • 250g cream cheese, softened

  • 250g butter, softened

  • 1tbsp  lemon juice

  • 1tbsp grated lemon

  • 6 cup icing sugar mixture

Depending how much of cream cheese you spread in between, you may need to make another recipe should you decide to spread a thick layer inbetween.

Ta da done deal and spread a thin layer on the entir cake 

Add captionthe body of the cake I use 1.4 nozzle to pipe out the rose shape
as for the outer layer of cream cheese heres the recipe.....( we need to add shorterning to firm the cream otherwise we are unable to pipe the cream . Original creamcheese is very soft. )

  • 250g cream cheese, softened

  • 250g butter, softened

250g shortening

  • 1tbsp  lemon juice

  • 1tbsp grated lemon

  • 8 cup icing sugar mixture


1)  Preheat oven to 180C Grease three 9 inch round pans. 

Sift flour, salt and baking sodan cocoa powder  

together and set aside.

2 )Beat butter and sugar in a bowl together 

for approximately 5 minutes at medium speed.

Add eggs one at a time and beat until smooth.

Add the beetroot juice and sour cream, 

milk vanilla and butter flavoring

At low speed add flour mixture a little at a time

but do not over mix. 

4 Bake in 180 oven for 35 to 40 minutes or 
until wooden pick comes out clean. 

  • 250g cream cheese, softened

  • 250g butter, softened

  • 1tbsp  lemon juice

  • 1tbsp grated lemon

  • 6 cup icing sugar mixture

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