Thursday 12 July 2012

Millie Crepe Cake

THE Millie Crepe Cake

I love this cake, to me its a French Layered Cake .

It's layers of crepe put together !!!!! at least 25-30 pieces crepe...

Here is how to do it.......



This is to be spread in between each layer of crepe

Fullcream Milk 310gm
Vanilla Pod  X 1 / Vanilla essence 1 tbsp
Egg Yolk 4
Corn / Potato Flour 20gm
Sugar 80gm
Butter 20gm

1) Boil Fullcream milk with vanilla pod
2) In another bowl mix egg yolk + corn flour + sugar together till smooth
3) pour mixture into the milk whn the milk is boiling hot, IMMEDIATELY
pour into it
4) Cook till thicken and add in the butter and mix till smooth
5) Once done pour it into a alrge surface pan or bowl and cover it with cling film till cool

Once the Pastry Cream is ready let it cool and start crepe making......


Fullcream Milk 600gm
Egg  B X 6
Salt 5gm
All purpose flour 130gm
Melted butter 30gm
Sugar ( Optional ) 55gm

1) Get ready a big mixing bowl .
Whisk the eggs and sugar till well mixed
2) Add sheived flour and salt, mix till smooth
3) Pour in butter and mix well ( whisk fast )
4) Pour in the milk and mix well

5) Use a 9 inch non-stick pan put under medium heat  ( induction 6-7 )
6) Pour a thin layer of batter onto the pan and swirl
A min and a half on each side thin light brown

7) )nce done place it on a baking board  & place another baking board ontop to flated it...
8) Repeat making the crepes - 25-28 perfect crepes....

The entire exercise will take a few hours if you have two pans it will be faster hhehehhehe

A + B are ready whip up 500gm of Whipping Cream ( medium )

Mix half of the whipped cream into B and fold well . When all are mixed well pour in the balance of the whipped cream
 Ta da ......

To Assemble 

1) Lay 1 piece of crepe on the pake board 
2) Use a spatula , smear the crepe with pastry cream a thin layer and avoid the edge
3) Cover with another layer of crepe and top with the pastry cream again
4) Repeat to make a stage of 25 best-looking crepes , chill overnight or at east 2 hours before serving....


The original presentation

I covered it with whipped cream on the left is cup cake bouquet be posted soon ;-))

Check out the layers man huffffff

5 hours of labour of love 

You can be creative to produce other flavours  ie

Fruits - Strawberry / Mango - 50% + 50% = 160 Fullcream milk + 150 fruit puree 

Durian as above A excluse the vanilla pod .
Once the pastry ceam is ready add durian flesh 


  1. Mama butterflai... what is a vanilla pod? Sorry ya, i am very very new to baking.... hehehhe
