Tuesday 22 May 2012

Time To Share .......with love.....

My main objective of having this blog is to share my baking 
and cooking journey with my friends
and everyone…….
something that I love doing with love & passion.....
a gift from God, its time to share his blessings with all.......

Ihave been married for coming 8 blessed years, 

with two beautiful kids - Joshua 4yo and jasmyne 1yo. 

I retired from designing cake when I conceived my second child, 

decided to lay back rest well through out my pregnancy.

Ocassionally, I still bake and design but just for 

family and love ones......

Jasmyne is 1yo now , I realized its time for me to share 

and at the same time explore further 

with new baking and cooking recipes.
I will be sharing my precious baking collection recipes, 

recipes that being shared by friends, new restaurants with food 

galore ventures. Pictures will be posted 
I sincerely hope I am able to put a smile in your kitchen 


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