Sunday 20 January 2013

Cup Cakes Cup Cakes Cup Cakes

I usually use my Basic Buttercake recipe for all my cupcakes ...;-)

If I need to produce different flavour I just need to eliminate the vanilla first and once the batter is ready divide them into equal potions ie if I need three flavours , I just devide into three portions.

My usual flavours are 

Vanilla - add vanilla essence

Chocolate - add cocoa - every tbsp of cocoa added 
please add one extra tbsp of milk because cocoa is very dry 

Rainbow Cupcakes 

You need to prepare 6 bowls and divide your 
buttercake batter equally.
each bowl please add the required colour - 


Please use food colouring ie Wilton

Use souffle cups 

Once all ready use a small spoon.

Scoop a small amount of each 
colour into the souffle cup 
please start with 


Scoop purple and lay it evently and 
follow by Blue and lay it evently and so on.

Ensure the batter is filled up to 70% only otherwise it will over spill from the cup.

Zebra Strip Cupcake

as for the zebra strip it is of vanilla & chocolate flavour 

Add vanilla and top with chocolate and 
vanilla and chocolate and lastly vanilla 

Coffee - add coffee essence 

Thursday 10 January 2013

Bacon Cheese Cookies - Gluten Free

Anyone interested in savoury Cookies?

Gluten free Bacon Cheese Cookies,

Ta da !

Gluten free Bacon Cheese Cookies, to prepare it it is as simple as A B C.......

Here's the recipe :

1/2 cup polenta 
2 tbsp rice flour
1/4 cup ground almonds
1/2 tsp gluten- free baking power 
3 tbsp icing sugar
4 tbsp butter, cubed
3 tbsp chedder cheese

3 tbsp bacon
1 egg yolk, beaten


Bacon - you can either buy the bottled minced bacon or you can do it yourself.

DIY - panfry the bacon till crispy and lay it on kitcken towel and pat dry the oil.

put into a mixer to mince it and leave aside.

1) Prepare your baking tray with NON-stick sheets or wax paper

2) Put A into a food processor and whiz till mixture resembles fine bread crumbs OR you can rub it by hand in a large bowl ( less washing ) heeheeheehee .

3) Stir in the beaten egg yolk an bring it togather to make a dough. Divide into two, wrap closely and chill for 30 mins.

4) Pre heat oven 180C for 10 mins .

5)Remove the dough from the fridge .

Dust the surface lightly with rice flour.
Roll it to 5mm thickness and use a round cutter to cut it ( size of cutter 3 cm )
Transfer to the baking tray and bake it for 8-10mins, until golden brown.

Please let it stand for a few mins to harden and then transfer to a rack to let it fully cool.

Happy baking }}'{{

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Roasted Chicken

I love roasting chicken, just marinate & put into the oven, 
time it ...TING! ta da......ready 

But everytime I roast a chicken the skin turned out  soft ........I did many trials & errors I am so happy with the result.......yeahhhhhh

The trick is , a fresh chicken, wash & clean it ,  
afterwhich please dry it with kitchen towel.

The marination, its up to you how you want to marinate it ie below was a simple marination for chicken rice 
Sesame oil, salt and sugar.

Once its marinated ( ensure the sauce is rubbed onto the entire chicken plus under the skin & inside the chicken) , leave it uncovered into the fridge for one to two days for it to dry. 
Place the chicken onto a roasting rack.

After two days you can see the skin frying up.....

Pre - heat your oven to 220C on fan for 10-15 mins.

When its ready, bring the chicken out , 
drizzy some virgin olive oil onto it and put it ito the 
oven for 15 mins. 

After 15 mins turn the chicken onto 
the otherside for another 15 mins.

Please roast your chicken onto a roasting rack.

After the first 1/2 hour is completed, 
please turn the chicken back to the top side and 
lower down the oven tempreture to 190C WITHout fan 
and let roast for 20 mins and 
turn the chicken to the other side for another 20 mins .

Depending on the size , this a medium to large size chicken, if your chicken is large size perhaps you need more time .

Happy Roasting ....

But everytime I roast the skin is not crisp but soft ........I did many trail & errors I am so happy with the result.......yeahhhhhh

Fish Paste - Ikan Tenggiri

Technique of making DIY fish cake without preservetives or flour.....

Buy this from the wet market and ensure you buy from a trusted fish monger because not all ikan tenggiri is meant for making fish paste. 
An honest fish monger will let you know whether its the right one ie female pregnant ikan tenggiri. 
Ask him to scrap the flesh out for you and ask him back for the bones. You can use the bones to boil soup ( remember to add some ginger to eliminate the fishy smell.

Here is how it looks like.....

Prepare salty water ie 1 cup of water to 1 tbsp of salt. Mix till delute.

 Put the scrapped fish into a mixer, I am using a Kenwood Mixer. Blend it till smooth and starchy. As you are blending add the salt water bit by bit plus pepper and little sugar.
once its done its supposed to look pale and light and smooth starchy. 

As how much of salty water to add its up you, if the fish is big you may need more the a cup, if the fish is small perhaps less then a cup. 
NOT forgetting, please ADD one beaten EGG White and One tsp of corn flour ( 1 Tsp with 2 tbsp water )

Once its done the paste should look pale and solid and evenly mixed.

Once done prepare a pot of boiling water, once the water is boiling put it on medium.

Try with one little tsp to test if the paste is springy enough and salty enough. If its not springy enough please blend more...;-)

Scrap the ready fish paste out , put it into a pipping bag and cut a hole at the end tip. Not too big .

Press into the water like below.......

Prepare a bowl of drink water ready at the side, once the paste is cook it will float on the water. Please dont overcook otherwise it will be hard . Once its cooked put it into the prepared water.
You can use it to cook fish paste noodle. 

Prepare your soup ( any type of soup ), once its the soup is done, just pour it over the fish paste noodle. Dont need to cook it again otherwise it will become hard.

you can mould it into fish cake or make your own fish ball.......

I usually make all because my son loves fish balls and fish cakes. 
I will keep the fish cake , slice to fry vegy or rice or add into any dish for my superhero lah.
Usually the fish cake is fried , I boil it. Its up to you .


Once the paste is ready, just add Mince pork and 
Tenggiri salted fish .

AS how much...hmmmmmm 
Minced Pork - 60% of the fish paste
Tenggiri Salted fish 1/2-1tbsp ( up to you )
if you want strong taste of it please add more.
Suggest you add little and try , add as required.

Use the hakka fish paste to make Hakka Yong Tau Foo!!! 

Huu Huu