Monday 26 August 2013

Spinach and Broccoli Gluten Free Pasta

My boy loves anything that's green!!!

He loves soba and green wanton noodle and I managed to have the greatest Spinach and Broccoli Gluten free pasta .....yeah 

Here's the recipe 
3 Eggs
3 tbsp Virgin Olive Oil
80g of Baby Spinach ( just the leaves )
40g of broccoli 
Put the above into a blender machine and puree all. Once done leave a side .


85gm Tapioca Flour
85gm Cornfour
3 tbsp Potato Flour
3 tsp Xanthan Gum
1/2 tsp Salt

and a pasta maker machine currently 
I am using KitchenAid Pasta maker.......
very good speedo and fast . 
Highly recommended if you have a 
KitchenAid cake mixer

I used to make pasta with the munual pasta maker

This is fast and easy.

How too 

1) Sift the dry ingredients

2) Put onto a large bowl and make 
a well in the center 

3) Pour in mixture A in the center and mix well with your hand. Please do not pour all , perhaps just 60% and mix and form a dough. If it's too dry add more slowly. You may not require all because the spinach and broccoli produces liquid during the puree process.

4) Slowly mix all in and it shall form into a dough

5) Knead gently until becomes smooth

6) Let it set for 10-15 mins by wrapping with tight cling film

7) Once done divide into four balls 

8) Use a rolling pin , roll into long strip and set a set cover with a damp clean cloth
put into the pasta machine and roll as least 4 times and make to as thin as possible
and you choose whether you want to make into spaghetti or fettuccine

9) Prepare boiling water with salt and 
boil for 4-5 mins 
Out of hot water rise with cool 
water to stop the cooking

Cook as you desire ;-)

 I doubled up the recipe and managed to make extra for my sisters and brothers ....yeah.

Lunch I cooked with minced 
kampung chicky dee , 
chopped broccoli and mushroom. 
Yummmy, both haaabis all hehheheh.

For dinner my boy requested for soba 
and mummy did but with miso soup.

He was so happy and requested for the same for tomorrow's dinner hehhehhe.

mummy ButterfLai happieeeeeee....

Monday 19 August 2013

Hakka Yong Tau Foo


Please refer to my original Fish Paste - Ikan Tenggiri ( below ) 

Once the fish paste is ready, just add Mince pork and 
Tenggiri salted fish .

AS how much...hmmmmmm 
Minced Pork - 60% of the fish paste
Tenggiri Salted fish 1/2-1tbsp ( up to you )
if you want strong taste of it please add more.
Suggest you add little and try** , add as required.

Tenggiri Salted fish - Remove the bones and afterwhich mince it.
Prepare a pan lightly stir fry it till fragant. 
Remove from pan drain out the oil. 
Let it cool. Add into the fish paste.

Once all done you can stuff it into :

Taufu pork
Fu Pei 

Prepare a pan with oil medium fire,  place the fish paste/stuffing surface on the pan to let it cook first once its done 
then only turn and let the eggplant surface cook 

Huu Huu 

** Prepare a pot of boiling water , once your fish paste is done scoop a table spoon into the boiling water. When its cook it will float ontop. Remove from the boiling water and put it into a bowl of cool water to stop the cooking. Over cooked may make the texture too hard. 
The texture shold be springy " tan sing " 

Technique of making DIY fish cake without preservetives or flour.....

Buy this from the wet market and ensure you buy from a trusted fish monger because not all ikan tenggiri is meant for making fish paste. 
An honest fish monger will let you know whether its the right one ie female pregnant ikan tenggiri. 
Ask him to scrap the flesh out for you and ask him back for the bones. You can use the bones to boil soup ( remember to add some ginger to eliminate the fishy smell.

Here is how it looks like.....

Prepare salty water ie 1 cup of water to 1 tbsp of salt. Mix till delute.

 Put the scrapped fish into a mixer, I am using a Kenwood Mixer. Blend it till smooth and starchy. As you are blending add the salt water bit by bit plus pepper and little pepper.
once its done its supposed to look pale and light and smooth starchy. 

As how much of salty water to add its up you, if the fish is big you may need more the a cup, if the fish is small perhaps 
less then a cup. 
NOT forgetting, 
please ADD one beaten EGG White 
and One tsp of corn flour ( 1 Tsp with 2 tbsp water )

Once its done the paste should look pale and 
solid and evenly mixed.

Once done prepare a pot of boiling water, 
                    once the water is boiling put it on medium.

Try with one little tbsp to test if the paste is springy enough and salty enough. If its not springy enough please blend more...;-)

Sunday 18 August 2013

Fried Minced Pork with Shredded Yam

Fried Minced Pork with Shredded Yam

This is one yummy and easy recipe,

  • Mince pork 300gm 
  • Mince prawn 150gm ( Optional )
  • Shredded yam 600gm
  • Salt, pepper & little sugar to taste
  • 1 tbsp of chinese wine 

Mix all together and use a pair of fork and spoon to 
make them into the size you desire ie the smaller 
the more crispy ie 2cm size 

Pre-heat oil in wok once you see smoke coming out fro it 
....hufffff the wok is ready , put the 
little balls into the wok to deep fry till crispy....

Please deep fry one piece first to check if 
added salt is enough ok ......if not please add more.....

You may try this with mince chicken too instead of pork......:-))

Please enjoy, everyone loves this especially with beer !!!!!

This recipe was shared by Patricia Lai

Sunday 11 August 2013

HomeMade Gluten Free Pasta

My boy loves pasta and I usually buy the commercial GF pasta from the market.

Last week my sister-in-law came home from US and brought us back a pasta maker .....yeah!!!!! 

I tried making for my son today. 
What could more fresher then fresh pasta......

It was easy and its really yummy. 

The texture is nicer then the commercial ones.

After a few bites , my boy said , 
"mummy it taste liked Maggi Mee " , 
happily !!!!

I am sooooo happy, from now my boy shall have homemade fresh GF pasta with love by his mummy .....

Here's the recipe 

85gm Tapioca Flour
85gm Cornfour
3 tbsp Potato Flour
3 tsp Xanthan Gum
1/2 tsp Salt
3 Eggs
3 tbsp Virgin Olive Oil

and a pasta maker machine 

How too 

1) Sift the dry ingredients

2) Put onto a large bowl and make 
a well in the center 

3) Beat virgin olive oil with eggs and pour onto the well

4) Slowly mix all in and it shall form into a dough

5) Knead gently until becomes smooth

6) Let it set for 10-15 mins by wrapping with tight cling film

7) Once done divide into four balls 

8) Use a rolling pin , roll into long strip and set a set cover with a damp clean cloth
put into the pasta machine and roll as least 4 times and make to as thin as possible
and you choose whether you want to make into spaghetti or fettuccine

9) Prepare boiling water with salt and 
boil for 4-5 mins 
Out of hot water rise with cool 
water to stop the cooking

Cook as you desire ;-)

My boy's request today was ,
Mummy I want it cooked with 
Garlic , Zuchini and Salmon 

Ta da !!!

In the picture the zuchini is sliced by my son heeeheheheh

He finished the whole plate, mummy is happiest mummy today.

Next I will make GF Baby Spinach Pasta for my family .
