Monday 15 July 2013

GLuten Free Belly Button Biscuits

Last Monday I took my son to pasar malam 
and he saw the everybody's favourite biscuits -

Belly Button Biscuits!!! 

The first thing he said was,
 "Mummy I want this please, 
and sadly I had to say NO to him 
and explained to him that 
it contains wheat/gluten, which he can't consume...;-(( "

But, I told him, 
" Mummy promise Mummy 
will bake for you ok...;-) "

He smiled and said , " ok Mummy. "

Ta Da!!! 

Gluten Free Belly Button Biscuits 
for my dearest son, he is gonna be 
so thrill, happy and hyper tomorrow !!!!!

Here's the recipe:

1 1/4 cup of rice flour
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1 tsp GF baking powder
1/4 cup of organic brown sugar 
( I usually add 20% lesser )
4 tbps of soft unsalted butter OR 
5 tbsp of corn oil
1 beaten egg
2 tbsp organic light corn syrup
1 grated lemon ( Optional )

Preheat oven 140C fan

Place all ingredients into 
a food processor or cake mixer

Mix all together if you find the dough a bit dry please add a little milk.

Roll the dough to thickness of 1/4" .
Use a circle shape cutter to cut the shape, 
I used an icing piping tube ( the base ) 
ie 15mm  

Put them onto baking sheets to bake 
for 8-10 mins to light brown.
Let it cool. Once they are cool, you 
may pipe the icing ontop .

Tada that's all.

easy easy !!!

Icing - Meringue Powder Royal Icing

( choose Meringue powder because its safer for children  )

1/4 cup Meringue Powder
1/2 Cup cold water
1 kg icing sugar 

Add meringue powder to cold water .
Let it set thereafter beat on medium speed until soft peaks ( 3 mins )
Add sugar gradually and beat till even. 

Divide them accordingly and add Wilton colours according to your desire.

Please store any thats not in sue in airtight container or esle it will get harden hehhehehehhe

Icing pipe use 1M or any design 
that's available in your kitchen.

Let them set and dry for more then 8 hours.

Pls note this is a Gluten Free cookie/biscuit,
it is not as cripy as the original ones made with wheat flour.